I suppose I think of it opposite, the feminine, the future, is not death but life. I understand why some think otherwise. The male principle is associated with order, the female with chaos, then some make the mistake of thinking order is akin to goodness and life, while chaos is akin to evil and death.
But no, mere order is purely mechanical, pure structure and dead form, like a machine.
Chaos is spontaneity, the soul, the life that animates the form, the moving river to the outer banks that funnel it.
The mistake is made because an excess of chaos and life can indeed break apart structures, the riverbanks overflow, and bring disorder.
But, so also too much order can bring death, not by an excess of life but too little.
As for the sexes, the elder wise women I mention that have instituted such social practices - excusing women from work or social responsibilities during pregnancy etc - may be doing women a disservice, this is a domain I simply yield to them, and do think we ought to at least be open to their suggestions about what women need.